Installation and Quick Start

Install the package with pip:

pip install adminui

Now create a python file for your project, say

from adminui import *

app = AdminApp()

def on_submit(form_data):
    print(form_data)'/', 'Form')
def form_page():
    return [
        Form(on_submit = on_submit, content = [
            TextField('Title', required_message="The title is required!"),
            FormActions(content = [

if __name__ == '__main__':

Run the python file from terminal:


Now visit to see the index page. It should look like this:


Basic Concepts and Example Breakdown

First of all, you need to create a AdminApp object:

app = AdminApp()

Then you add pages to your app. Use the decorator, followed by a custom function (its name doesn’t matter) that returns an array of the page elements shown when the user visit a certain url:'/', 'Form')
def form_page():
    return [ ...put page contents here... ]

The decorator receives two argument. One for the url (‘/’ in this case), and the other for the title of the page(“Form”).

By decorating a function, you’ll be able to return different page elements or data each time the user visit the page.

All page elements are Python objects. You may refer to other chapters of this documentation to know how to use them. We can see that the example above created a form, a text field, a text area and a submit button.

Finally, run the app using:

Use FastAPI instead of Flask

Set use_fastapi=True when creating the app; and prepare() instead of run to expose the app to uvicorn.

The basic example will be:

from adminui import *

app = AdminApp(use_fastapi=True)

def on_submit(form_data):
    print(form_data)'/', 'Form')
def form_page():
    return [
        Form(on_submit = on_submit, content = [
            TextField('Title', required_message="The title is required!"),
            FormActions(content = [

fastapi_app = app.prepare()

Then run from command line:

uvicorn example_fastapi:fastapi_app