Page Actions

If you want to redirect the user to another page after form submission, you may return page actions in the on_submit callback of the form:

def on_detail():
    return NavigateTo('/detail')

Now AdminUI supports NavigateTo and Notification as page actions:

class adminui.NavigateTo(url='/')

Page Action: navigate the user to another page

Parameters:url – the url of the new page
class adminui.Notification(title='', text=None, type='default')

Send right-top corner notification to the user

  • title – the title of the notification
  • text – the text body of the notification
  • type – default | success | info | warning | error: type of the notification box

If you want to combine two actions together, return a list. Say you want to notify the user twice:

return [
    Notification('A Notification', 'the content of the notification'),
    Notification('A Notification', 'the content of the notification'),

Aside from form submission, you can also use page action on other elements like a button.

class adminui.Button(title='Go', style=None, icon=None, on_click=None, link_to=None, id=None)

Create a general button on the page

  • title – the title shown on the button
  • style – use ‘primary’ for the “primary button” (a big blue button)
  • icon – the icon in front of the button title. For string values see
  • on_click – a custom function will be called when the button is clicked

You may use page actions inside the on_click callback of the button.

Update page content in Page Actions

If you wish to change a part of the page in Page Actions, first identify the element with id attribute:'/', 'Control Page')
def control_page():
    return [
            Button('Change Content', on_click=on_change_content),
            Button('Change Element', on_click=on_change_self),
        Card('Paragraph Card', [
            Paragraph('This is the original content', id='paragraph')

Then during a page action, you may return a ReplaceElement to replace an element with another:

def on_change_self():
    return ReplaceElement('paragraph', Paragraph('This element has been changed'))

Thus when users click the button “Change Element”, a new paragraph will replace the old one.

You may also choose to update some attributes of an element. The following code changes the content value of “detail_card” element when the users click the “Change Content” button.:

return UpdateElement('detail_card', content=[
        DetailGroup('Refund Request', content=[
            DetailItem('Ordre No.', 1100000),
            DetailItem('Status', "Fetched"),
            DetailItem('Shipping No.', 1234567),
            DetailItem('Sub Order', 1135456)

Use a timer

Use timer, to let your Python function run every some seconds. You can also return Page Actions in the timer’s on_fire function:'/', 'Detail Page')
def detail_page():
    return [
        Timer(on_fire=on_timer_fire, data='hello timer'),

Timers can be set at any position of the page. To remove a timer, replace it with ReplaceElement page action.

See for the complete example.