Layout and Creating a Detail Page

When you want to show complex information on the page, you may use Card, Header, DetailGroup, DetailItem and Divider to help you format the page:'/detail', 'Detail Page')
def detail_page():
    return [
            Header('Header of the record', 1),
            DetailGroup('Refund Request', content=[
                DetailItem('Order No.', 1100000),
                DetailItem('Status', "Fetched"),
                DetailItem('Shipping No.', 1234567),
                DetailItem('Sub Order', 1135456)
            DetailGroup('User Info', content=[
                DetailItem('Name', "Alice"),
                DetailItem('Phone', "555-123-4567"),
                DetailItem('Shipping Service', 'Continent Ex'),
                DetailItem('Address', 'XXX XXXX Dr. XX-XX, XXXXXX NY 12345'),
                DetailItem('Remarks', "None")

It looks like this:

class adminui.DetailGroup(title='', content=None, bordered=False, column=3, size=False, layout='horizontal', id=None)

The container for DetailItem, used to display a record with multiple fields

  • title – the title of the detail group
  • content – a list of DetailItem
  • bordered – show a bordered description list, see
  • size – default | middle | small - the size of the table when in bordered mode
  • column – number of columns shown in the list
  • layout – horizontal | vertical s
class adminui.DetailItem(title='', value='', id=None)

A little piece of text with a title and a value, used to display a field in a record

  • title – the title of the field
  • value – the value of the field

If you are working with a dashboard, Row, Column, Statistic may come in handy. ChartCard can make a neat little block to hold your numbers and charts. See example:'/dashboard', 'Dashboard')
def dashboard_page():
return [
            ChartCard('Total Sales', '$126,560', 'The total sales number of xxx', height=50,
                footer=[Statistic('Daily Sales', '$12423', inline=True)])
            ChartCard('Total Sales', '$126,560', 'The total sales number of xxx', height=50,
                footer=[Statistic('Daily Sales', '$12423', inline=True)])
            ChartCard('Total Sales', '$126,560', 'The total sales number of xxx', height=50,
                footer=[Statistic('Daily Sales', '$12423', inline=True)])
            ChartCard('Total Sales', '$126,560', 'The total sales number of xxx', height=50,
                footer=[Statistic('Daily Sales', '$12423', inline=True)])

It creates a page like this:


If you just want to display some text, use Paragraph. You may set the color of the Paragraph:

Paragraph("The text of Paragraph", color="red")

If you wish to format rich text or other complex content, you may use RawHTML Element. Beware this is dangerous because if you pass unfiltered user text (e.g. from a piece of user inputted text stored in the database), this user text may contain dangerous code that may run on the client’s computer:

RawHTML('a raw <font color="red">HTML</font>')

Here’s the list of layout-related classes:

class adminui.Card(title=None, content=None, id=None)

A white-boxed container to hold content in sections

  • title – the title of the card container
  • content – list of page elements inside the container
class adminui.Header(text='', level=4, id=None)

Display a header text on the screen

  • text – text body of the header
  • level – the header level. level=1 means a first level header(h1)
class adminui.Paragraph(text='', id=None, color=None)

Display a paragraph of text

class adminui.Row(content=None, id=None)

Display a row with multiple Columns for layout purpose

the width of the row will be automatically calculated by len(content). e.g. a row with four columns will make a 4-column layout. It is also adaptive in small screens and mobile devices.

Parameters:content – a list of Column objects
class adminui.Column(content=None, size=1, id=None)

Column in the Row for multi-column layout

  • content – a list of page elements
  • size – the “weight” of the column width. for example, 2 columns with both size=1 will have the same width; but a column with size=2 and one with size=1 will make a 2:1 layout.
class adminui.ChartCard(title=None, value=None, tooltip=None, footer=None, content=None, height=46, id=None)

A card container with values, tooltips and a footer. Mostly used in dashboards

  • title – the container title
  • value – (str), the big text shown on the card
  • tooltip – the text shown when the user hover on the tooltip icon
  • footer – list of page elements shown on the footer of the card
  • content – list of page elements shown as the content of the card
  • height – the height of the card, to make it looks consistant across columns
class adminui.Statistic(title='', value=0, show_trend=False, inline=False, id=None)

A piece of text for showing a statistic number, may include a little trend arrow (up or down)

  • title – the title of the statistic number
  • value – the number itself
  • show_trend – if set True, a upper arrow will appear for positive numbers, and a down for negative numbers
  • inline – if set True, the title and the value will be in the same line and the font size will be smaller