

@app.page('/', 'Table')
def table_page():
    return [
        Card(content = [
            DataTable("Example Table", columns=table_columns,

使用 DataTable 类来构造一个用来展示数据的表:

class adminui.DataTable(title='', columns=[], data=[], row_actions=[], table_actions=[], filter_form=None, on_data=None, size='default', scroll_x=None, scroll_y=None, id=None)


  • title – 表的标题
  • columns

    a list-of-dictionaries as column definition. e.g.: [ {‘title’: ‘Rule Name’, ‘dataIndex’: ‘name’}, …other columns] [ {‘title’: ‘Rule Name’, ‘dataIndex’: ‘name’, ‘sorter’: True, ‘filterOptions’: [‘abc’, ‘def’]}, …other columns] for each column,

    title: the column title dataIndex: its key for the TableResult data dictionary (optional) sorter: (True/False) the column is sortable (optional) filterOptions: ([strings]) a list of options shown as filters (optional) linkTo: display the data as a link to another field of the dataIndex specified (optional) status: dataIndex of another column, shown as the status badge fo the data. The value of the other column must be one from success | processing | default | error | warning
  • data – TableResult对象,作为表的初始数据
  • row_actions – TableRowAction对象的列表,在表的每一行中展示链接等用户操作。如果您不需要任何操作,将其留空
  • table_actions – 显示在表顶部的页面元素的列表。如”新建”按钮等。
  • on_data – a callback function that returns a TableResult object if the user turns a page. an argument will be passed as {‘current_page’:…, ‘page_size’:…, ‘sorter’: {sorted_column_data_index}_{ascend|decsend}} Leave it None if you’re sure there is only one page of data.
  • size – size of the table (default | middle | small)


DataTable 需要提供columns(列的定义)和data(表格数据)。columns字段中所需的数据如下所示:

table_columns = [
    {'title': 'Rule Name', 'dataIndex': 'name'},
    {'title': 'Description', 'dataIndex': 'desc'},
    {'title': '# of Calls', 'dataIndex': 'callNo'},
    {'title': 'Status', 'dataIndex': 'status'},
    {'title': 'Updated At', 'dataIndex': 'updatedAt'}

每列为字典,带有 titledataIndexdataIndex 将用作提供的表行数据的键:

table_data = [
                "callNo": 76,
                "desc": "Description of Operation",
                "id": 0,
                "name": "Alpha",
                "status": 3,
                "updatedAt": "2019-12-13"
            ... other rows

table_data 接受一个 TableResult 对象:

DataTable("Example Table", columns=table_columns,

TableResult 在分页时也有用

Render a column as a badge

To render badges on columns, define the column as:

{'title': 'Rule Name', 'dataIndex': 'name', 'status': 'badgeStatus'},

Whereas badgeStatus in the example is the dataIndex of another column, whose value takes from success | processing | default | error | warning, which will be the appearance of the badge.

Use Filter Forms


You may add a filter form, to let users search in your table. Each time the user submits the form or switch pages, values in the form will be passed along to the on_data callback.

To add filter form, set filter_form field in DataTable element:

DataTable("Example Table", columns=...,  data=..., on_data=on_page,
                TextField('Rule Name'),
                SelectBox('Type', data=['One', 'Two', 'Three'], placeholder="Select One"),
                RadioGroup('Radio - Button', data=[['One', 1], ['Two', 2]], format='button'),
            ], submit_text='Filter', reset_text='Clear'),

Note that you can change the text on submit button and reset button, using submit_text and reset_text field.

Sortable and Filterable Columns


To make table column sortable, set sorter=True to the column definition:

table_columns = [
    {'title': '# of Calls', 'dataIndex': 'callNo', 'sorter': True},

Then, when the user click on the header of the column, on_data callback will receive an additional sorter argument like:

sorter: "callNo_descend"

Separated by underscore, the first part is the dataIndex field, the second part is descend or ascend according the current sorting status.


To make a table column filterable, set filters on the column definition like:

{'title': 'Status', 'dataIndex': 'status', 'filters': [{'text': 2, 'value': 2}, {'text': 3, 'value': 3}]},

Then the column will be filterable. When the user filters some columns, on_data will receive arguments like:

filters: {status: "3,2"}

where the key will be the filtered column’s data index, and the value will be the filtered values, separated by commas.

Change the height of rows

pass size to DataTable will allow you to change the row height. You may choose from 'default' | 'middle' | 'small':

DataTable(..., size='small')

Scroll X for the table

setting the scroll_x and scroll_y attributes for DataTable, will let scroll bar show up when the table is too long. Useful for tables with many columns or rows:

DataTable(..., scroll_x=1000)
